Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Dear Reader,
I am back, apologetic for being away so long, and bionic! On June 16 an implanted cardiac device was zipped into my chest. It is a precautionary step, in case the heart begins to fibrillate, in which case I will receive a massive shock, similar to being kicked by a horse, they say. Fibrillation isn't likely however; the best thing about this device is that they put in an extra gizmo (I got the Porsche, not just the loaded Buick) - which makes the left ventricle beat simultaneously with the right. It has given me my energy back. It is wonderful! I will learn to fly next.

My other excuse for being away so long is that I have become a grandmother. Here he is, at just two months, Max Quentin Baehr:

Max lives in Montreal - it's not just a day trip, but I have visited twice, and he will be coming to Rockwood around Thanksgiving. Can't wait!

I am back to work on my show, "Affairs of the Heart". I have ten works ready, with 8 or 9 to finish. You will have to come to see it!  The opening will be January 11th or 12th, and it will run to February 17th, 2013, at Greenwood Gallery, 275 Woolwich, Guelph, Ontario. More details later.

I am going to use another Rumi quote I came across: "They say there is a doorway from heart to heart, but what is the use of a door if there are no walls?" 

Love to you all,