Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Heal the Heart, Heal the World

So what is so special about 2012? Well, funny you should ask that. They say that when the student is ready, the teacher will appear. I had been trying to contact a homeopathic healer and acupuncturist through a friend of mine, but first I got her e-mail address wrong, and then she didn’t reply to my telephone message. I discovered later from my friend that she never does reply to voice messages. So I got her e-mail address right, and tried that again, but still no response. However, my friend suggested that I could join her Monday discussion group, where they were focusing on the work of Gregg Braden. I googled him, and watched a video interview of him on the web talking about his about-to-be published book Deep Truth. What really grabbed me was what he said about the human heart, the range of the magnetic field around it. 

So if the heart can have an influence on the matter immediately surrounding it, could I facilitate the healing of my own heart, and how could I learn to do this?

Then I bought three books by him: Fractal Time, The Divine Matrix and Deep Truth.

Well, where to begin. I’d have to be the best editor in the world to encapsulate all the marvelous knowledge I have read so far in these books. First, I have to admit to a fair amount of skepticism about New Age stuff, because I wasn’t raised that way. My father was a doctor and a scientist. I am married to a scientist, and I grew up and studied “The Scientific Method” as part of my education. So did Gregg Braden. He trained as a scientist and worked as a computer engineer and around the age of 40 switched to studying the wisdom of the aboriginal ancients, new discoveries about human history, and then related all these to new understandings in quantum physics. His books follow the logical step-by-step argument style one would expect, but you don’t have to be a scientist to understand them.

Braden soon realized that new knowledge about the nature of time and the discoveries of ancient civilizations had not changed the way science was being taught in schools, 40 years after he was there, even though there was well documented scientific knowledge that contradicted a lot of what was in the text books. Why? Perhaps because of the entrenched culture of competition, war and economy by “survival of the fittest” that we live in?

In Braden’s first book, he moves from documentation of ancient civilizations that have been shown to exist well before the Sumerian age (previously thought to be the beginning of civilized Man); to the cycles of time revealed in the Vedic scriptures and the Mayan calendars; to how we can read cycles in our own lives. He takes us carefully through the Bible Code, and how it predicted the two great wars of the 20th century and how both the attacks on Pearl Harbour and the World Trade Centre fit into a cycle in such a way that both could have been predicted. (Yes, he is American.)

He starts with the documented 26,000 odd year cycle we are in, which separates into 5 similar cycles, each governing one fifth of the earth’s wobble on its axis. We are in the last days of that fifth cycle, which ends on the Winter Solstice on December 21st, 2012. Then the wobble turns and slowly heads back toward the centre of the universe. Does this sound crazy? You have to read the book.  (When I think about it, it’s also kind of crazy that when I had periods, they were governed by the phases of the moon, as are the ocean tides.) Braden takes you through the physics and his research so methodically that it all hangs together.

Apparently, the end of a cycle is a period of great chaos (Braden gives examples from history of previous cycles). We have global financial crises; wars, insurrection and demonstrations all over the world; scary climate change; desperate poverty and fabulous wealth: the world is indeed in chaos.

But there is a message of hope; while the conditions are set for disaster in December 2012, we can change things for the better, if we use our hearts. And this is where healing and the extraordinary new discoveries in quantum physics come in. Read the books!

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